DbFace FAQs.


What is DbFace?

DbFace is a report and dashboard builder tool for SQL databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 (MS SQL Server etc.). DbFace provides you a creative way to build database driven application on the fly.

What is the system requirements for On-premise installation?

You need a PHP7.2+ (PHP7.2, PHP7.3, PHP7.4) webserver (apache, nginx, etc) with SQLite3 extension installed.

PHP5.6+ supported webserver SQLite3 PHP extension Ioncube Loader

All modern brownsers(desktop or mobile device) are cool, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.

if you have desired product customizations or other inquires, please contact us.

How is the product licensed?

A single website require one license. A website is defined as a single domain including sub-domains that operate as a single entity. Additional software licenses must be purchased in order to install and use the software on additional websites.

Does On-premises license expire?

The on-premise license is lifetime. Therefore it won’t expire.

Can you help me to install it on my server freely?

Yes, we can help you to install DbFace on your server freely after the order received. Please make sure your webserver fits the system requirements.

Can I use the same license for more than one machine/server?

No, the licenses can only be installed once, for one machine/server.

How do I register the license code?

You can input your license key in Settings -> Preference -> Billing page.

How is the DbFace On-premise Delivered?

DbFace On-premise can be downloaded for free and it becomes a registered version once a license key/serial number is registered


What are the supported databases (datasources)?

MySQL, Oracle, MS-SQL Server, DB2, Informix, ProstGreSQL, Access, Interbase, Firebird and others ODBC or OLEDB patterns. You can also upload CSV file as database source, for other data sources (Mongodb, No-SQL, Google Analytics etc.), you can write your own API connector.

I update the db an not refresh the changes in the reports, why?

DbFace caches all the report data by default. You can click the icon at bottom-right corner at a report widget to flush report. If you do not want the cache feature, open the config/config.php and change the app cache time value.


Can I change plans anytime?

Absolutely. DbFace is a month-to-month, pay-as-you-go service. You can upgrade or downgrade plans anytime. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason, you can cancel your account within the first seven days and request a full refund, no questions asked. Please notice the return policy does NOT apply to DbFace Server.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept PayPal payment, please notice you can still checkout with your creditcard through PayPal without a PayPal Account. Please contact support@dbface.com if you require payment methods other than PayPal.

Do you offer a trial period?

Yes! If you’re unsatisfied for any reason, you can cancel your account within the first seven days and request a full refund, no questions asked.

What are differents between PREMIUM and ENTERPRISE?

Enterprise version provide a managed VPS sandbox that contains sperated environment. You can execute your PHP code. Click here to get more information.


How to contact you if I have more questions?

You can open new ticket in our ticket system. Please feel free to drop a mail to support@dbface.com, or post your question at our forum.

Do you offer a trial period?

Yes! If you’re unsatisfied for any reason, you can cancel your account within the first seven days and request a full refund, no questions asked.

Is the Technical Support included in the licensing price?

For technical issues such as bugs, connection to your datasource, installation, version migration/upgrade, our technical Support will be provided with no additional costs.


I got “No input file selected” error?

FastCGI + apache htaccess might cause this issue, The goocher was no RewriteBase, please edit .htaccess file (located in the root directory) to

DirectoryIndex index.php
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RedirectMatch 404 /\\.(svn|git|hg|bzr|cvs)(/|$)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|static|www|robots\.txt)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L]
Options -Indexes

How to use MySQL to store DbFace own data?

DbFace stores all the own data in the user directory, especially, user/data/dbface.db (SQLite3 file). We recommend to move the MySQL for production use to gain more stable performance.

  • Create database dbface and execute SQL file config/schema.sql
  • Copy the following file (database.php) into user/data directory
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
$active_group = 'default';

$query_builder = TRUE;

$db['default'] = array(
	'dsn'		=> '',
	'hostname'	=> 'your-mysql-database-host',
	'username'	=> 'your-mysql-username',
	'password'	=> 'your-mysql-password',
	'database'	=> 'your-mysql-database-name',
	'dbdriver' 	=> 'mysqli',
	'dbprefix' 	=> '',
	'pconnect' 	=> FALSE,
	'db_debug' 	=> TRUE,
	'cache_on' 	=> FALSE,
	'cachedir' 	=> '',
	'char_set'	=> 'utf8',
	'dbcollat' 	=> 'utf8_general_ci',
	'swap_pre' 	=> '',
	'autoinit' 	=> TRUE,
	'stricton' 	=> FALSE,
	'failover' 	=> array()

Now, DbFace will use the MySQL to store application data.

How to use Form variables in applications?

DbFace use Smarty as internal template engine. You can use simply {$form_field_name} in application script, filter conditions to delegate the form field value.

Let’s see a simple example:

We build a form which contains 2 input textbox: fromDate, endDate. Sample DbFace form

You can use the form fields in application scripts Sample DbFace form

How to host static files in DbFace?

DbFace hosting feature helps you hosting editable json files, html files or any other static files for your applications. So you do not need to setup a web server for this simple job.

Expand the Settings menu, and click Hosting menu to open hosting page: Hosting static files in DbFace

Click the plus icon or edit button to edit the static files in DbFace UI. Editing hosted files

As default settings, all hosted files are public available. You can also set X-DBFACE-MASTER-KEY, or ip whitelist to protect the hosted files. Hosting files access settings

Last modified December 27, 2020: Organize (f0786b5)