Raw configuration for webmaster.

The file

The file, found in your user/data directory contains special settings for to your own DbFace installation. This file is unique to your installation and it’s the only file in the script that you need to edit.

!!! tip “Enterprise Plan” If you are using Enterprise Plan, please edit the file and send to We will be arranged to upload the file to your DbFace installation.

; ini file to config dbface installation
// Auto detect the Base URL
$config['dbface_app_url_base'] = FALSE;
// use the default timezone
$config['default_timezone'] = date_default_timezone_get();
// the default schema cache is never expired (seconds) 0: disable cache
$config['cache_schema'] = 3600;
// report never auto expired (seconds), 3600 means 1 hour, 0: disable cache
$config['cache_app'] = 3600;
// the sql query cache ttl
$config['cache_sql_query'] = 600;
// the app process will be termiated 60s
$config['ExecTimeLimit'] = 60;
// Max memory 64M for each app execution
$config['MemoryLimit'] = "64M";
// the generate app access URL ttl, false: never expired, number: timeout to expired
$config['ttl_access_url'] = FALSE;
// hide the online support widget
$config['enable_onlinesupport'] = TRUE;
// if use the database to store session data
$config['sess_use_database']	= FALSE;
if ($config['sess_use_database']) {
  $config['sess_save_path'] = 'df_sessions';
} else {
  // session save path, comment this, if you want use the default folder in php.ini
  $config['sess_save_path'] = FCPATH.'user'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. "cache";
// default category name
$config['default_category_name'] = 'Default';
// default data category name
$config['default_data_category_name'] = 'Data';
// menu style: normal or horizontal
// you can also overwrite this settings in System Settings (dropped)
$config['menu_style'] = 'normal';
// Use your Google Appkey to generate Google Map
$config['google.appkey'] = 'AIzaSyBImzyugJzPWt1cQC0bWbUznaVUIc805eU';
// the max rows for picked sample data
$config['max_sample_rows'] = 100;
// Enable error_report, the error does not include any app data
$config['enable_error_report'] = TRUE;
// define the default title of DbFace
$config['df.title'] = 'DbFace - Online Application Builder for Any Data Source.';
// the assets URL
if ($config['production']) {
  $config['df.static'] = "//";
  // thirdparts assets URL, set this to gain better performance
  $config['assets_base_url'] = '//';
} else{
  $config['df.static'] = "./static";
  // thirdparts assets URL, set this to gain better performance
  $config['assets_base_url'] = './static';
$config['product_assets_url'] = '//';
// DbFace will use third part cdn to improve js loading performance
$config['use_assets_cdn'] = TRUE;
// product base URL, if FALSE, we will detect automatically based on the installation
$config['product_base_url'] = FALSE;
// checkpoint max_size bytes
$config['cp_max_size'] = 1024;
// enable / disable gravatar
$config['enable_gravatar'] = TRUE;
// disable PHP report
$config['disable_phpreport'] = FALSE;
// hide edit application
$config['disable_sql_edit_application'] = FALSE;
$config['disable_public_access_parameters'] = FALSE;
$config['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = FALSE;
// DbFace only access public schema, you can also switch to other schema for pgsql database only
// Since V6.6, you can add schema option for pgsql database
$config['pgsql_default_schema'] = FALSE;
// if password mismatch 3 times, the ip will blocked 24 hours, set FALSE disable this feature
$config['daily_retry_login_times'] = 50;
$config['daily_retry_login_time_duration'] = 86400;
// the max num of last opened apps
$config['history_app_num'] = 6;
// max favorite num
$config['favorite_app_num'] = 10;
// enable ipwhitelist, set to FALSE to disable ip whitelist check
$config['enable_ipwhitelist'] = TRUE;
// If you want to use DbFace to create database for you, enable this
// let dbface create database in your hostdb
$config['enable_createdatabase'] = TRUE;
// AUTO: for self host, dbface will use sqlite3, otherwise will use the hostdb conguration.
$config['hostdb'] = 'AUTO';
// whether creating new database user for the newly created database
$config['create_sperated_user_for_hostdb'] = TRUE;
// the created database user host, % for any location, or set ip address for security
// $config['hostdb_user_host'] = 'localhost';
// predefined variables
$config['predefined_variables'] = FALSE;
// Login logo settings
// position: left | right | center | hidden, hidden will hide the navbar at login page
// array(
//   'url' => '//',
//   'position' => 'right',
//   'img' => $config['df.static'].'/website/dbface_logo.png'
// );
$config['login_logo_settings'] = FALSE;
// Additional css files (for remote customization theme)
// you can get the css url from DbFace Support Team (Licensed User + Gold Support)
// the css file will include to override the default style
$config['customer_additonal_css'] = FALSE;
// default tooltip border width
$config['chart_tooltip_border_width'] = 1;
// allow forget password on the login page for all users
$config['allow_reset_password_on_premise'] = TRUE;

// force reset the username & password to this entry string
// if you have forgot the admin password, please set this entry to reset password
// and do not forget recover to false 
// sample
// $config['force_reset_accounts'] = array(
//   array('email'=> '', 'passowrd'=> 'my new password')
// );
$config['force_reset_accounts'] = FALSE;
// MongoDb list collection parameters
$config['mongo_options_listCollection'] = array(
// crontab schedule date timezone
$config['crontab_schedule_timezone'] = date_default_timezone_get();
// crontab execution key
$config['crontab_execution_key'] = '6193rW3iTjXo7N3S27t2I2GA6OJjo03S';
// world map name map
$config['worldmap_namemap'] = array(
// The email settings for sending reports or notification
// The function mail() in Cloud Code also use this settings
// we already binding a public smtp settings, if it not work for you, please use your own 
// mail server settings
// uncomment the email_settings email_settings_from will override the default smtp server
$config['email_settings'] = array(
  'useragent'	=> 'dbface',
	'protocol'=> 'mail',
  'mailpath' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
	'smtp_host'=> '',
	'smtp_user'=> '',
	'smtp_pass'=> '',
	'smtp_port' => '25',
  'crlf' => '\r\n',
  'newline' => "\r\n",
  'mailtype' => 'html',
  'smtp_crypto' => "ssl",
  'validate' => false,
  'charset' => 'utf-8',
  'wordwrap' => true
$config['email_settings_from'] = array(
  'from'=> '',
  'name'=> 'DbFace',
  'reply' => ''
// capture service URL
// If you have Gold Support, you can use your own capture service
$config['capture_service_url'] = "";
// capture app access key
$config['app_access_key'] = 'dbface@accesskey!j';
// default ttl (seconds) for URL parameter
$config['default_parameter_ttl'] = 3600;
// check update automatically
$config['check_update'] = TRUE;

// internal db that store mongodb and plugin cached data
// set to FALSE to use the default sqlite3 implementation
// The user should be able to create new database
$config['internal_cache_db'] = array(
  'dsn'	=> '',
  'hostname'=> 'cache_db_host',
  'username'=> 'root',
  'password'=> '',
  'database'=> 'mysql',
  'dbdriver' => 'mysqli',
  'dbprefix' => '',
  'pconnect' => TRUE,
  'db_debug' => TRUE,
  'cache_on' => FALSE,
  'cachedir' => '',
  'char_set'=> 'utf8',
  'dbcollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',
  'swap_pre' => '',
  'autoinit' => FALSE,
  'stricton' => FALSE,
  'failover' => array()
$config['internal_cache_db_by_connid'] = array(
$config['internal_cache_db'] = FALSE;
// enable Tsv format, use excel to open the csv file, use UTF-16LE encoding, if set to FALSE, use UTF-8
$config['csv_excel_compatible'] = TRUE;
if ($config['csv_excel_compatible']) {
  $config['export_csv_settings'] = array(
    'delimiter' => "\t",
    'newline' => "\n",
    'enclosure' => '"'
} else {
  $config['export_csv_settings'] = array(
    'delimiter' => ",",
    'newline' => "\n",
    'enclosure' => '"'
// enable or disable command api, default FALSE
// command api allow user to create account or other jobs via /cmd/action URL
$config['enable_command_api'] = FALSE;
// This field should not empty if enabled command api, appenc key=$command_security_key to let DbFace protect the command api
$config['command_security_key'] = '';
// check user access app permission
$config['strict_check_user_permission'] = TRUE;
// Form date and datetime format
$config['form_date_format'] = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
$config['form_datetime_format'] = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss';
// disable google analytics
$config['disable_analytics'] = TRUE;
// invite colleage email subject
$config['invite_colleages_subject'] = 'Welcome to DbFace - It is amazing to have you on board!';
// app max revision
$config['max_app_revision'] = 50;
// use this config to encrypt the connection password
// set to FALSE, will use plain text to store the connection password
$config['db_password_encrypt'] = TRUE;
// use for encrypt/decrypt the connection password, if FALSE or empty, people will find the database connection password without encrypt in sqlite3 file
$config['connection_encrypt_key'] = 'dbface.conn.2018';
// enable/disable dbface api
$config['feature_dbface_api'] = TRUE;
// enable context selector in the menu bar
// administrator and developer can select connection id as context
$config['enable_conn_context_selector'] = TRUE;
// cron job executor: pageview or crontab (default crontab)
$config['cronjob_executor'] = 'crontab';
// cron job executor interval seconds
$config['cronjob_executor_interval'] = 600;
// enable mobile access
$config['enable_mobile_viewer_access'] = TRUE;
// account access url ttl
$config['account_access_url_ttl'] = 86400;
$config['chain_app_access_key'] = '6193rW3iTjXo7N3S27t2I2GA6OJjo03S';
// email titles
$config['email_title_forgotpassword'] = 'DbFace password';
// use estimate row count for mysql innodb large tables
$config['estimate_table_rows_for_innodb'] = FALSE;
// directory for saving snapshots, FALSE: disable this feature
$config['snapshot_dir'] = USERPATH.'snapshots'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// proxy to connect remote database, used in connected: Google Big Query
$config['https_proxy'] = '';
// Table Row Action Header
$config['row_actions_header'] = 'Actions';

Last modified December 28, 2020: fix (7815b5e)