DbFace Coding FAQs.

DbFace Coding FAQs

DbFace provides many internal PHP and javascript functions to help you access the features, we list functions that you can use in your PHP or HTML report here:

PHP Functions

You can use PHP functions in PHP reports or Cloud Code.


PHP function to get global parameters value created in DbFace

  // get all global parameters created in DbFace
  $vars = import_var();

  // get total lost user value 
  $var = import_var('total_lost_user');


PHP function to get database connection object to specific connection

  $db = import_db('Clash_of_rome');

call_http_service($url, $params = array(), $method = “POST”, $ignore_error = FALSE)

PHP function to get remote http response body

  $result = call_http_service('https://www.dbface.com');

Javascript Functions

Last modified January 3, 2021: fix (fdabe16)